Extra Challenges, Extra Learning, Extra Amazing FUN!
Earth Worms
What has no eyes or ears, has no hands/arms but can dig and is used for bait? Worms!!!!
Amazing Axolotl
Today’s critter is one of the coolest, craziest, amazing looking you’ll hear about and it has some pretty interesting facts about it too. Our travels take us all the way to Mexico City, to one lake called Lake Xochimilco. We are learning about the amphibian called the Axolotl.
Get ready for an adventure, let’s go!
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
What’s cute and fuzzy, floppy, hoppy, and a little bit mischievous? …
If you guessed BUNNY you got it!
The Eastern Cottontail is the most common cottontail rabbit. Let’s learn some more!
1-2-3 LET'S GO!
Eurasian Eagle Owl
“Whooooo!” Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Almost anyone who hears this sound thinks of ONE type of bird……The owl. Odds are that you imagine the exact type of owl we are learning about today, the Eurasian Eagle Owl.
Red Paper Wasp
We are going to learn about the amazing and terrifying Red Paper Wasp.
I know, I know, these things give me the chills too, but don’t worry, we are going to buzzz right through this together and not only learn some pretty cool stuff, but we have an amazing art project waiting for you!
Green Anaconda
Green Anacondas live in wetlands and river basins through tropical South America. They prefer shallow moving water like streams, rivers, and flooded grasslands.
Bearded Dragon
Have you ever been so hot you had to just sit down and take a rest? Maybe you don’t love the hot summer days so much, or maybe you actually do! Today’s critter loves to bask in the Australian sun, which is very hot! Let’s learn about the Bearded Dragon!
Bottlenose Dolphin
Today’s adventure brings us to the deep blue sea. We are going all the way to Shark Bay, off the West coast of Australia. Odds are you’ve already learned a thing or two about these friendly critters! Let’s learn some more about the Bottlenose Dolphin.
Today’s critter is one of the coolest, craziest, amazing looking you’ll hear about and it has some pretty interesting facts about it too. Our travels take us all the way to Mexico City, to one lake called Lake Xochimilco. We are learning about the amphibian called the Axolotl.
Get ready for an adventure, let’s go!
Leopard Gecko
Today’s critter is all the way from the Middle East, but it has been kept by many people as a wonderful pet for over 30 years. Their name comes from the coloring of their bodies, and they are CUTE! Let’s learn about the Leopard Gecko!
African Elephant
Today’s adventure takes us to a land with MANY different animals, rough terrain, wide open spaces, and hot weather. We are headed to Africa to learn more about the largest land mammal, the elephant!
Have you ever looked outside on a summer night and seen little lights glimmering across the field? Maybe you’ve even gone out to search for fireflies to put in a jar for a while. These incredible insect critters aren’t really flies or just regular bugs. Let’s see what makes them so so special!
Arctic Fox
Is it freezing cold where you live right now? Well, how about as cold as the arctic tundra? Today’s animal thrives in the cold weather! So, get your coat, boots, gloves, and hats. This frigid adventure is sure to be one you don’t want to miss!
Great Hammerhead Shark
Today’s adventure takes us somewhere very deep, very wet, and REALLY big. Did you guess it? We are headed to the Pacific Ocean, one of the many ocean regions the Hammerhead Shark swims.