Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

What’s cute and fuzzy, floppy, hoppy, and a little bit mischievous?  …

If you guessed BUNNY you got it!


The Eastern Cottontail is the most common cottontail rabbit.  Let’s learn some more!

1-2-3 LET'S GO!

Critter At A Glance

What makes the Easter Cottontail rabbit unique?  These critters are mostly solitary animals, but they do engage with eachother and make many noises.  They can snarl, grunt, scratch, or even purr. They are super fast runners and usually run in a zigzag to keep predators from snatching them as easily.  They can run 18 miles per hour!

What do we know about their life cycle?  Cottontails in the wild live about two years, but have many babies in this time frame.  Mothers build shallow nests on the ground using different items they find in nature.  Even though there are only a small number of baby bunnies that survive,Cottontails can have many baby kits throughout the year keeping the population quite large.

What do they need to survive?  Eastern Cottontails can be found throughout North America and are quite hardy even in the cold winters. They love garden veggies, but also eat bark and buds in the winter. These critters are known to be preyed upon by many many carnivores in the forests.    During the day they like to stay hidden in shrubs or grassy areas.  


Let’s learn some more about Cover!

Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing! Instead, they are worn down as the rabbit chews on grasses, wildflowers, and vegetables.  Chewing keeps them from getting too long.


Critter Protectors we need you to join our CritterQ! 

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Here’s a quick and fun bunny craft to try at home. The challenge is to follow the video to make your own AND give it a super silly name a skill.

My Rabbit, Sir Hopsalot, like to use his chewing ability to munch on jellybeans!

Little Lady Floppityflip can hop and do double flips in the air like a gymnast!

Can’t wait to hear about your little critter! 

Don’t forget to share! #heymrjim


“10 Hopping Fun Rabbit Facts! - National Geographic Kids.” National Geographic Kids, https://www.facebook.com/ngkids/, 18 Apr. 2019, https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/animals/general-animals/10-hopping-fun-rabbit-facts/.

“Cottontail Rabbit: 19 Facts You Won’t Believe!” Free Ideas For Family Fun & Learning | Kidadl, https://kidadl.com/animal-facts/cottontail-rabbit-facts. Accessed 30 May 2022.

“Eastern Cottontail Rabbit | National Geographic.” Animals, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/eastern-cottontail-rabbit. Accessed 30 May 2022.



Spotted Sandpiper

