Earth Worms

What has no eyes or ears, has no hands or arms, but can dig better than any human?



Critter At A Glance

What’s so wonderful about worms?  Worms are great decomposers.  They can munch through rotten food and dead animals…EEEWWWW.  They scavenge through dirt tunnels, and when they’re done with their feast, rich soil is left in their tracks. 

What are their bodies like?  Worms are actually not insects.  Their long skinny bodies have no legs or lungs.  They breathe through their skin, but surprisingly have up to 5 PAIRS of hearts. They are cold blooded like snakes and sometimes live 4-5 years. It is very important for worms to stay moist.  If they dry out, they cannot breathe through their skin and they die. 

How do babies grow?  Worms do not lay eggs or have live babies.  They release a cocoon, which holds 3-4 baby worms each.  The worms hatch anywhere between 3weeks-6 months.  They wait for the conditions to be just right.  


Let’s learn some more from Walter’s story below! 

Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

The worm population is large, though often unseen. There are about 1 million worms living in one acre of land!

Can you go on a worm hunt?  Head outside and see if you can find some worms to observe.  Make sure you keep them nice and moist in some dirt, then let them go again.  


Share your finds on Instagram or Facebook! #heymrjim


“Earthworm Facts and Information - GK for Kids | Mocomi.” Mocomi Kids, 4 Oct. 2017,

“How I Reproduce | The Adventures of Herman the Worm | U of I Extension.” University of Illinois Extension, Accessed 25 July 2022.

“Worms Facts, Worksheets, Fun Facts & Types For Kids.” KidsKonnect, 17 Oct. 2019,


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