
What animal is the king of the savanna, an apex predator, and has a roar that can be heard 5 miles away? The Lion! 

 Critter At A Glance

What are they amazing at?  Lions are ferocious felines.  Their roars can be heard 5 miles away and they are 50 times larger than a house cat!  They are very social and live in groups of up to 40 cats.  Females live with 1 dominant male.  

What about their babies?  Lioness keep their cubs hidden for about 6 weeks, then they start to explore more.  Lioness live together and help raise eachother’s babies.  Cubs spend time playing with eachother and others in their pride.  Play is important because it helps them practice hunting.  

What do they need to survive?  Lions aren’t found in nearly as many areas as they once were.  They can be found in Tanzania, Zambia, and Kenya, and thrive in grassland, woodland, and lush areas with plenty of animals to prey on.  Lions prey on wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, and giraffe. They often require teamwork to take them down.  If these wild animals aren’t available, lions turn to livestock which creates human-wildlife conflict.


Let’s learn some more about lion cubs.  Listen below to Oliver’s adventure!


Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

Did you know we have lost 90% of wild lions over the past century? Conservation groups are important to keep them from being extinct. 

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“Did You Know? | Lionlandscapes.” Lionlandscapes, Accessed 8 June 2022.


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