Arctic Fox
Is it freezing cold where you live right now? Well, how about as cold as the arctic tundra? Today’s animal thrives in the cold weather! So, get your coat, boots, gloves, and hats. This frigid adventure is sure to be one you don’t want to miss!
Critter At A Glance
What are they like? Arctic foxes are amazing little camouflage critters. They weigh in at only about 6-10 lbs and are 43 in. long including their lush tails. In the summer, their fur is brown to blend into rocks and dirt. In the winter, it turns white like snow. This camouflage ability helps them stay hidden from predators like golden eagles, grizzly bears, red foxes, and wolves.
They look so different in each season!
Do they raise their babies? Mother and father Arctic Foxes raise their babies. Mothers can have between 5-25 babies, called kits.
What about their food? Arctic foxes are omnivorous. They eat whatever they find. They like to feast on rodents, birds, insects, and even berries and plants. They have the amazing ability to hear rodents and animals under the snow. Once they do, they jump up and pounce down in the snow on their prey.
Do they build dens? Yes! Arctic foxes are amazing diggers. They create tunnels and burrows deep down below snow.
Let’s learn some more about the Arctic Fox!
Are you ready for an out of this world fact?
The Arctic fox has the warmest furr of any animal found in the Arctic. They can handle temperatures as low as -70 °C. WOW!
Critter Protectors we need you! It's time to create and it's time to move!
MOVE Let’s play “Arctic Fox What Time is It?”
One person is the Arctic Fox and the others are rodents.
Rodents ask, “Arctic Fox what time is it? The fox calls a clock time (e.g.5 o'clock) and the rodents take that many steps.
Repeat step 1 until the Arctic Fox calls "Midnight,” then the fox turns around and chases the other players back to the start.
CREATE Can you create an arctic animal scene?
You’ll need glue and scissors along with the pdf below. Cut out the animals and paste them onto the wintery scene.
Display your art, tell a story about it, and don’t forget to share! #heymrjim
Sr., Todd Sain, and Ur Mom. “Arctic Fox.” Our Breathing Planet, 10 Aug. 2021,
“Celebrating Wildlife and Wild Places.” Welcome to the Racine Zoo,
Brunet, Paul. “10 Fun Facts about the Arctic Fox.” Arctic Kingdom, Arctic Kingdom, 13 Dec. 2019,