Leopard Gecko

Today’s critter is all the way from the Middle East, but it has been kept by many people as a wonderful pet for over 30 years.  Their name comes from the coloring of their bodies, and they are CUTE!  Let’s learn about the Leopard Gecko!

Critter At A Glance

What are their critter talents?  One of the coolest talents that these critters have is their ability to DROP their tail if attacked by a predator.  Foxes, snakes, and other larger lizards try to dine on these smaller geckos, so this is a great sneaky skill they have!

What do they eat? These critters love crickets, small locusts, wax moth larvae, mealworms, springtails, grasshoppers, and nesting mice.  They use their great sense of smell and eyesight to find prey.  They can even see colors in the dark!

Do they communicate?  YES!  They seem to communicate with chirps when alarmed or annoyed, and clicking when talking to each other. Their tails also do the talking.  A slow tail shake tells other geckos that they have been noticed. 


What is Leppy’s adventure about?  Listen below!

Are you ready for an out of this world fact? 

This fact is a little GROSS!  After a successful shed of their skin, just like snakes, a leopard gecko will often eat the skin because it’s packed with nutrients that help replenish their bodies.  This also keeps predators from noticing their shed and finding them. 


Critter Protectors we need you! Don’t forget to join the Q!

Today’s challenge is to MOVE like a leopard gecko.  This game is like Red Light Green Light.  One person is the caller and the others are the little geckos. All the geckos line up at one side of the room together while the caller goes to the other side. If the caller chirps,  it means RUN from a predator.  If the caller clicks with their tongue it means WALK.  If the caller wiggles like a leopard gecko tail, it means stop and wiggle in place.  Who will get to the end first to be the new caller?

Did you try the new game?  #heymrjim

“Leopard Gecko.” San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Animals and Plants, https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/leopard-gecko#:~:text=Fun%20Facts,their%20scent%20from%20being%20detected. 

“Leopard Gecko.” San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Animals and Plants, https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/leopard-gecko#:~:text=Fun%20Facts,their%20scent%20from%20being%20detected.


Coconut Crab

