Extra Challenges, Extra Learning, Extra Amazing FUN!
Spotted Sandpiper
Have you ever gone birdwatching? Maybe you’ve gone out with your binoculars, your nature journal, or maybe just your own two eyes and noticed birds all around! Many many birds can be spotted up in the trees or far in the sky, but today’s special bird spends much of its time on the ground near different bodies of water.
Bobwhite Quail
It’s so interesting how a Bobwhite Quail actually says its own name when it calls. These little game birds remind me of chickens, but have some pretty amazing and unique features.
Pileated Woodpecker
Today’s adventure brings us high up in the trees! It requires careful listening, and keen eyes.
Grab your binoculars! Let's head out on a birdwatching adventure so we can learn about the amazing Pileated Woodpecker.
Bald Eagle
Have you seen a real life Bald Eagle? Or maybe you’ve seen one in a history book, on a poster, or even MONEY! The Bald Eagle is the United States national bird, and they are pretty cool!
Indian Peacock
Let’s go on a trip today to a continent starting with the letter A and it has FOUR letters….ASIA! We are going to the Congo, the natural habitat for the Indian Peacock.
Red-Headed Woodpecker
Today’s animal could have taken us to a savanna in Central or Eastern United States, but we headed a bit north and landed in a woodland forest in Southern Canada.
Bobwhite Quail
It’s so interesting how a Bobwhite Quail actually says its own name when it calls. These little game birds remind me of chickens, but have some pretty amazing and unique features.