Red-Headed Woodpecker
Today’s animal could have taken us to a savanna in Central or Eastern United States, but we headed a bit north and landed in a woodland forest in Southern Canada.
Wait….Shhhh! Do you hear tapping? There’s something above us in that tree! It’s a Red-Headed Woodpecker!
Critter At A Glance
What do they look like? Red-Headed Woodpeckers get their name from their appearance. Adult birds have red heads and black and white bodies. But, their babies have gray or brown coloring on their heads until they grow up.
Where do they lay their eggs? Red-Headed woodpeckers are what we call “cavity nesters.” This means they build their nests inside holes in trees or they excavate their own holes. If you hear tapping in a tree, you might be hearing a woodpecker working on it’s nest! Mothers and Fathers often return to their same nests year after year together.
What do they eat? Woodpeckers eat insects, worms, nuts, and berries. They drill holes into trees with their beaks in order to search for bugs and food inside the bark. But, they also search the ground for worms like many other birds. They have another amazing skill, so be sure to keep reading!
Let’s see what it’s like for Melody at her first day of school!
Are you ready for an out of this world fact?
The Red-Headed Woodpecker has the AMAZING ability to snatch an insect right out of the air. They can dive from a branch and catch a fly mid-air. That’s some incredible critter speed and sight!
Critter Protectors we need you! It's time to create and it's time to move!
MOVE What type of birds live near your house? Today’s challenge is to go birdwatching.
You might be able to go on a walk or a hike with a grown up OR you might get the chance to bird watch from your window. Can you keep track of how many different birds you see? Feel free to use some binoculars, make a list, or find a list of birds in your area.
CREATE Can you create a woodpecker band?
Gather some sticks, wooden items or blocks, and a small spoon or stick to tap with. What kind of sounds can you make? Can you make up a woodpecker beat? Woodpeckers really are the drummers of the trees.
Don’t forget to share your beat or bird watching finds! #heymrjim
“Red-Headed Woodpecker.” American Bird Conservancy, 16 Jan. 2020,
“Red-Headed Woodpecker.” American Bird Conservancy, 16 Jan. 2020,