
With a name like OSPREY, this critter could be anything!  Did you know it was a bird?  Or, did you think it was something with fur?  

The Osprey is an amazing bird of prey.  It looks much like a hawk, but it only eats fish!

Let’s dive in and learn some more!

Critter At A Glance

What makes these birds special?  Osprey nearly became extinct, but thankfully made a comeback!  They hunt fish by diving into shallow water.  They can dive 3 feet if they need to, and can catch fish close to their size (3-4 pounds)!  They have lots of different calls for different types of interactions.  

How do they raise their young?  Osprey make a long migration from all over the world to the  Pacific Northwest, Canada, and the North Atlantic coast of the United States.  They make HUGE nests up to 5 feet around.  Mothers and fathers take turns sitting on their eggs.  The chicks take about 2 months to learn to fly, and another 2 months to learn how to hunt.  

Listen in to the story about Owen the Osprey.

Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

Ospreys fly 6,000 miles or more when they migrate for nesting season. The osprey can be found on every continent except for Antarctica.


Join the CritterQ TEAM today and become a Critter Protector! 

Today’s challenge is to put your measurement skills to the test and build your own nest the same size as an Osprey. 

You’ll need:

  • Blankets

  • Pillows

  • Measuring Tape or ruler/yardstick

Step 1 Measure a 5 foot circle and build it up with your blankets and pillows. 

Step 2 Build up the sides to see if you can make them 2 feet high.

Step 3 Share your nest on INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK! #heymrjim



Long, Kat. “11 Facts About Ospreys | Mental Floss.” Mental Floss, Mental Floss, 28 Feb. 2022, https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/655243/osprey-facts.

“Osprey | National Wildlife Federation.” National Wildlife Federation, https://www.nwf.org/Educational-Resources/Wildlife-Guide/Birds/Osprey. Accessed 29 June 2022.

“Ospreys Fun Facts for Kids.” Easy Science For Kids, https://www.facebook.com/EasyScienceForKids, 20 Apr. 2013, https://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-ospreys/.


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