Extra Challenges, Extra Learning, Extra Amazing FUN!
Chinese Alligator
Today’s adventure takes us ALL the way to Eastern China! Have you ever been on a plane? Or gone to China?
We are headed deep into the marshlands to study the Chinese Alligator.
Let’s Go!
King Cobra
Im thinking of something fearless, handless, feetless, BUT largest of its kind?
The King Cobra! It’s the largest venomous snake in the world, a large King Cobra’s head is the size of a man’s hand.
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Amphibians can be found all around us, I bet you’ve seen frogs or toads near you. Have you ever held one or touched one?
Betta Fish
Are you ready for a guessing game?
What fish has a name that really means beautiful warrior…
has an organ called a labyrinth that actually helps them breathe air…
and is a fish you have probably heard of?
A Betta Fish!
Goliath Beetle
Have you ever seen what you thought was the BIGGEST BEETLE IN THE WORLD? Well, it so happens that we are actually zooming in on the one and only Goliath Beetle, the real fact checked biggest beetle there is!
Other than the Gila Monster, the Chuckwalla is the largest of the southwest desert lizards. They have a dark colored flat body with lots of loose skin folds. When you touch their skin, ift feels kind of like sandpaper.
Sulcata Tortoise
We are going to take a trip to the Sulcata Tortoises’ home in Africa. Are you ready to learn some more about these AMAZING creatures? Let’s Go!
Spotted Sandpiper
Have you ever gone birdwatching? Maybe you’ve gone out with your binoculars, your nature journal, or maybe just your own two eyes and noticed birds all around! Many many birds can be spotted up in the trees or far in the sky, but today’s special bird spends much of its time on the ground near different bodies of water.
White Pelican
What makes a long journey, is a lot nicer than a goose, and can swallow fish whole? A White Pelican!
Eurasian Eagle Owl
“Whooooo!” Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Almost anyone who hears this sound thinks of ONE type of bird……The owl. Odds are that you imagine the exact type of owl we are learning about today, the Eurasian Eagle Owl.
Nine-Banded Armadillo
Unless you are a nocturnal kid, chances are you haven’t seen a Nine-Banded Armadillo. These critters are usually alone and they spend their waking hours out at night. They have some pretty cool tricks up their sleeves too!
Green Anaconda
Green Anacondas live in wetlands and river basins through tropical South America. They prefer shallow moving water like streams, rivers, and flooded grasslands.
Bearded Dragon
Have you ever been so hot you had to just sit down and take a rest? Maybe you don’t love the hot summer days so much, or maybe you actually do! Today’s critter loves to bask in the Australian sun, which is very hot! Let’s learn about the Bearded Dragon!
Bottlenose Dolphin
Today’s adventure brings us to the deep blue sea. We are going all the way to Shark Bay, off the West coast of Australia. Odds are you’ve already learned a thing or two about these friendly critters! Let’s learn some more about the Bottlenose Dolphin.
Fire Salamander
What was once thought to grow out of fire and can grow their limbs back if they lose them? …..A Fire Salamander!
Meadow Grasshopper
Have you ever wished you had strong jumping legs? Or maybe you wished you could shrink down to a tiny insect size. Maybe you’ve wished you had the ability to chirp and make super cool noises with your legs or wings.