Betta Fish

Try a guessing game with someone!

Ask them:

What fish has a name that really means beautiful warrior…

has an organ called a labyrinth that actually helps them breathe air…

and is a fish you have probably heard of?……

Can they guess? A Betta Fish! 


Critter At A Glance

What do we know about them? One of the coolest features about a Betta Fish is their ability to breath air.  Their labyrinth is a special body part just on top of their head that allows them to do this when they swim up to the water’s surface. In the wild, this feature allows them to survive even if the water has slow movement and little oxygen! They are territorial fish and fight each other if they are close.  They are insectivores, which means they eat different small insects. 

Where can they be found in the wild?  These amazing fish are found in a handful of countries, such as Cambodia,Vietnam, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Dominican Republic.  But, they originated in Thailand and are sometimes called “Siamese fighting fish.”

How do they raise their young? The male Betta Fish are actually in charge of building an air bubble nest and guarding the eggs and baby fish.  When the fries (baby fish) hatch, he carries them in his mouth to safety in their nest.  When the fry can swim on it’s own, they become independent. 

Let’s listen to the story of Hansa!


Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

Some Betta Fish have been known to survive 10 minutes out of water!


~Join our TEAM today and become a Critter Protector!~

Today’s challenge is CREATE a Betta Fish using sidewalk chalk.  Can’t wait to see!


Share your chalk drawings on Instagram or Facebook! #heymrjim



“14 Interesting Betta Fish Facts That Might Surprise You | LoveToKnow.” LoveToKnow, LoveToKnow, 4 Mar. 2011,

“Betta Fish in the Wild | Where Do Wild Bettas Live? - Aquariadise.” Aquariadise, 24 July 2019,


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