Silver Dollar Fish

Is this fish just another name for a Piranha?  Is it just as vicious?  


Well….the answer is NO! It might look like a Piranha, but that’s about it!

Critter At A Glance

What are the top facts about the Silver Dollar Fish? The Silver Dollar Fish is a freshwater fish that has a very flat body.  Even though it is related to the Piranha, it is a peaceful fish.  They are mostly herbivores and love to swim close to the surface of the water. 

Where do they live?  The big answer is that they live in South America, but in the wild you can find them in rivers with lots of different hiding places.  They like rivers with plenty of drift wood or rocks.  

What is their life cycle?  These fish start off as one of MANY eggs laid in some floating plants. The eggs hatch after only 3 days, but babies take about 9 days to learn to freely swim.  By 8 months old, they’re all grown up!

Let’s listen in to an amazing twist of events for Dolly! 

Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

Female Silver Dollar Fish lay up to 2,000 eggs at one time!  Wow, can you imagine that many siblings?


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Critter Protector TEAM!

Time for a Challenge

Today’s challenge is to tell me about a time you went fishing or a time you saw a fish.  Draw a picture or write some words!  I can’t wait to hear about your fishy adventures!


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“Silver Dollar Fish Facts - AZ Animals.” AZ Animals, Accessed 21 July 2022.


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