We are headed to a warm and sunny climate to learn about the amazing Iguana. Let’s turn on our imaginations and get ready for a hot adventure! These critters need warm tropical areas with lots of trees and plants surrounding them. Do you live near the rainforest, South America, or the Carribian Islands? If not, let's jump on a plane and get a closer look.
Critter At A Glance
Where do they spend their time?
Iguanas spend a lot of time near and in water. They are great swimmers and they can even hold their breath for around 30 minutes, or more!
How big are they?
The Iguana is one cool reptile. The spiny-tailed iguana can grow just over 3ft (as tall as a 3 year old). And, the blue iguana can weigh up to 30 lbs!
What do they eat?
The iguana menu isn’t out of the ordinary for a reptile. They like to eat plants, fruit, and some insects.
How can they protect themselves?
Their strong tails can whip an enemy and if the predator grabs their tail too strongly, they can detach it completely from their body.
Iggy is one amazing lizard who uses his protective ability to save himself from danger!
Are you ready for an out of this world fact?
Iguanas have a 3rd eye in the middle of their head. Even though it’s different than their other two eyes and does not see pictures, its connected to their brain and helps them a lot with vision! WOW, and I thought this was only something make-believe!
Can you see the dot on the back of this iguana’s head? Thats it!
Critter Protectors we need you! It's time to create and it's time to move!
MOVE Lets play a game of Iguana Crawl.
This game is like Red Light Green Light, but the caller shouts “Crawl” and “Stop.” All the players crawl around like you have sharp claws on your fingers. When the caller shouts “Stop,” stick your tongue out like a lizard!
CREATE Can you draw a lizard with at least one feature you learned today?
Is your Iguana underwater, escaping a predator, whipping it’s tail, or eating something for lunch? Don’t forget the out of this world fact in your drawing too! This is worth BONUS POINTS!
Share your game or share your project! #heymrjim
Sundeep, Shukla. “Shukla Sundeep.” OhFact, 17 Apr. 2017, https://ohfact.com/interesting-facts-about-iguana/.
Team, Animals Network, and Cydni Oldham. “Iguana - Description, Habitat, Image, Diet, and Interesting Facts.” Animals Network, 30 Oct. 2018, https://animals.net/iguana/#:~:text=Habitat%20of%20the%20Iguana,their%20lives%20in%20the%20trees.
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