Black Panther

We’re jumping on a plane to the jungle of South America to learn about the mysterious Black Panther.  So many people wonder about them but don’t actually know much about what makes them unique.

Let’s Go!

Critter At A Glance

What is a Black Panther? The Panther is a large member of the Big Cat family. The Panther isn’t a species itself.  It’s the general name used to refer to any black coloured feline of the Big Cat family.  This usually refers to Leopards and Jaguars.  These cats are considered endangered, and are few and far between because both parents have to have the black gene for there to be a chance to have an all black cub.  

What are they like?  Black Panthers are smart, quiet, and cautious.  They are very good at camouflaging, especially in the darkness of night. They are very aggressive!

What are they like as babies?  Black Panthers are born into the same litter as spotted Jaguars or Leopards.  Like pet cats, their eyes are closed when they’re born, and they need the protection from their mother from predators.  Once they are 2 years old, they head off to establish their own territory.  


Let’s learn some more about Black Panther’s from Henry!


Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

Black Panthers love to swim and spend a lot of time in water.  They hunt, play, and cool off in the water very often.  


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It’s time to play a game of Panther tag. 

  1.  Choose someone to be it. Everyone else is a panther. 

  2. The tagger stands in the middle of the room and closes their eyes.  The panthers take turns sneaking past the tagger.  Move like a quiet and agile panther so you’ll make it past!


Tell us if you tried the game or share something else about Black Panthers on Instagram or Facebook! #heymrjim





“Black Panther Facts - Big Cat Rescue.” Big Cat Rescue,, 11 Feb. 2015,

Staff, Animals. “Panther Animal Facts | Panthera Pardus, Panthera Onca - AZ Animals.” AZ Animals, Accessed 14 July 2022.


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