Largemouth Bass

Today’s critter can be found ALL over the world in rivers, lakes, and clear water.  Do you have any lakes or rivers near you?  If you do, it might be home to some Largemouth Bass!

Critter At A Glance

What makes them extra cool?  These amazing fish can be a prized fish for many fishermen around the world.  They start off small but can grow to be over 24 in.  long. Largemouth bass don’t usually find your bait by looking with their eyes. In fact, they sense movement in the water by using an extra sensory system.

What do they eat?  They start off eating small zooplankton and as they grow so does their appetite.  They are willing to eat anything that can fit in their big mouth, and once grown they are the top predator in their environment.  This means you will not find them living in areas that have larger beasts that would eat them.   

What else?  Eggs are laid in shallow quiet waters.  Until they’re over 2 in long, they are called a ‘fry.’

We already know we are talking about a Largemouth Bass, but is there anything else to learn from the story about Liam?  Make sure you listen in!

Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

Bass NEVER stop growing. As they grow old, they just keep…. getting….. BIGGER!

Join in on our Summer Story Challenge!

MOVE Let’s go on a couch fishing trip.  Use the picture below for some inspiration, and turn on those imaginations! There’s no wrong way to play.  


CREATE Make your own paper plate bass.  You’ll need a paper plates, scissors, tape or glue, and coloring supplies.  

  • Start by cutting out a LARGE mouth from the plate.

  • Use your triangle cutout as a tale and stick it onto your plate opposite of the mouth.  

  • Color and decorate your fish AND…

    Don’t forget to share you’re amazing creations. #heymrjim 


“Largemouth Bass Facts, Information, and Photos.” American Expedition, 

“Largemouth Bass.” Bass Fishing - The Complete Guide. Voted #1 Freshwater Fishing Resource by Experts, 8 Oct. 2021, 

“Interesting Facts about Largemouth Bass.” Grape Hammock Fish Camp & Airboat Rides, 12 Nov. 2019, 


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