Red Paper Wasp

Hello friends!

We are going to learn about the amazing and terrifying Red Paper Wasp.
I know, I know, these things give me the chills too, but don’t worry, we are going to buzzz right through this together and not only learn some pretty cool stuff, but we have an amazing art project waiting for you!

Have you ever seen one of these before?

That is the amazing and beautiful home of our flying friends! Hundreds of them live inside and all have a very important job; to keep their nest built safe and secure.

Wait a second, how do build it in the first place?

Since they don’t make hammer’s small enough for their little hands, Paper Wasps had to get creative in how they make their home. So they use their spit.


Even though it may sound gross to us, it’s very a very clever building tool that they need to use or else they wouldn’t have anywhere to live. Listen to the episode below to hear the adventure of Apollo and how he has to act fast to save the nest.

Listen Now

Art Challenge

Help Apollo Rebuild The Paper Wasp Nest

Supplies Needed:

  • a bowl

  • a paintbrush

  • flour

  • a medium sized balloon

  • strips of paper

  • water

  • safety pin

  • paint, markers or other decorating supplies


1. Tear The Paper Into Strips

2. Create The Paste

Mix equal parts water and flour. Blend with your hands or paint brush to form a smooth paste.

3. Blow Up The Balloon

4. Start Building The Nest

Take a strip of paper, gently dip it into the paste, and remove any excess paste from the strip by running two fingers over and under it. Gently place the strips of paper with the paste on the balloon. Make sure you do this enough so that the paper completely covers the balloon.

5. Let It Dry

It will probably need to dry for at least 24 hours.

6. Pop The Balloon

After it has dried, take the safety pin and carefully pop the balloon inside. Remove the plastic balloon pieces.

7. Decorate

Apollo and his family need to fall in love with the home you’ve built them. Make sure you make it look beeeeutiful.


Sulcata Tortoise


Imagination is the best tool for a child’s mind.