
Meerkats might look like a cuddly pet you’d find at a pet store. BUT, unless you’re at a zoo, you’ll only find them in Africa! 

These furry friends live underground in families called clans. Even though they remind us of cats, their babies are called pups, just like dogs. 

Meerkats stand up on their back legs and scan their surroundings. Other clans, birds of prey, and land animals like jackals are just some of the dangers they have to keep an eye out for.  

Will Misha and Malachi be ok with so many predators in their habitat?

Are you ready for the meerkat out of this world fact?!

If you can imagine that the meerkats have a toolbox of safety equipment, one of their top tools is their ability to eat and be stung by scorpions without ANY EFFECT.  That’s right, the venom of scorpions is very dangerous, but meerkats bodies can handle it without any problem at all.

Time for a Challenge

Let’s go on a meerkat meal treasure hunt.  

Ask a grown up for help and gather these supplies:

  • A timer 

  • Scissors 

  • Printable Scorpions 

Click the scorpion picture to download scorpion cards for this activity!

 1.  Cut out the scorpions from the above PDF so they are ready to hide.

2. Pretend you’re a meerkat searching for food! Take turns hiding the scorpions and searching for them.  You can race the clock or compete for the winning time. 

3. How fast did you find the scorpions? Don’t forget to share! #heymrjim


“Fun Meerkat Facts for Kids - Interesting Information about Meerkats.” Science Kids - Fun Science & Technology for Kids!,




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