
To learn about today’s animal, we have to travel to 1 very special location, Australia.  That’s right, koalas are only found in Australia unless you visit a zoo.  Koalas are extremely sedentary, which means they sleep most of the time.  Their diet is mostly eucalyptus leaves and this does not give them much energy.  Without energy they are very slow moving and are sleepy.  

Koalas look like super cute little bears, but they are actually marsupials.  This means they carry their babies in a pouch just like kangaroos.  When the babies are big enough to be out of their mother’s pouch, they cling onto their backs.  Wow, not only do they look like a little bear, their babies cling to their mothers like monkeys!

What else can we learn about these amazing critters?!

Koalas have an out of this world fact about their digestion.  

As we learned, koalas eat mostly eucalyptus leaves and a few bugs.  The crazy thing is, eucalyptus has toxic poison.  Koalas can break down the toxins so they do not get sick from it.  They also get most of their water from eating pounds of leaves a day. 

Time for a Challenge

Let’s do some koala activities!

What you will need:

  • Crayons, markers, or pencils

  • The pdfs below

Click the picture to download.

Make up your own story about the little koala finding his way home.  Can he find his way through the maze?

Click the picture to download.

Color your very own little koalas!

Don’t forget to share your amazing stories and art work! #heymrjim


“Koala, Facts and Photos.” Animals, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/koala.


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