Horses can be found all over the USA. I bet you’ve seen some at a farm, zoo, out your car window, or maybe in your own backyard!
We’ve seen how horses have helped people through history before cars, and we still see how horses can help people build confidence and learn new things. Have you ever ridden a horse before?
Did you know the wild horses we see in the USA are actually called feral horses?
These mustangs were originally captive breeds, but escaped and formed herds a long time ago when they were brought over to America. True wild Przewalski’s horses can only be found in central Asia.
Let’s listen in to Samantha’s daring adventure below! This one is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat!
Out of this world fact!
Horses sleep while standing up! That’s right, they do not lay down in a cozy bed, or even on some soft grass or hay to sleep. They close their eyes and that's it! It’s easy-peasy for them, but it sure does sound hard to me!
Don’t miss the July Summer Story Challenge!
Time for a Challenge
Can you make a paper horse?
You’ll need a few supplies:
Glue or tape
Start by cutting some different sized rectangles of paper. Roll a piece for the body, neck, and head. Next, cut 4 more pieces to create legs. These legs could be rolled pieces again, or folded like the picture. Each rolled piece can be secured with tape or glue.
Cut some strips to make ears, the horses tail, and mane.
It’s time to connect your main body parts to make the horse. Look at the picture below.
Finally, add some eyes or other details of your choice. Don’t forget to share your creation! #heymrjim
“Feral Horse.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Jan. 2022,
“Horse.” AZ Animals, 19 Dec. 2021,