Box Turtle
Today we are venturing to a little wetland field in Eastern United States. You might need some hiking boots, so lace them up and let’s hit the trail!
Critter At A Glance
What makes the Box Turtle different from other turtles? The box turtle spends it’s time on land and can handle short dry times. They have a really cool trick which allows them to COMPLETELY close themselves inside their shell. It takes a few years for them to learn this, but when they do its helpful to protect themselves from predators. It’s like they have a door to a portable house on their backs! PRETTY COOL
How old do they live to be? These critters can live to be 100 years old, but many live about 40 years. The hard thing is that it’s not easy to tell how old one is in the wild. A 20 year old might look just the same as another twice it’s age!
Do they get along with each other? Box turtles rarely fight each other, and actually share territories with others. Even though there might be many box turtles living in one area, you’ll find them mostly in the morning and evening. They are very sensitive to the heat and hide when the sun is blazing down.
Is there more to learn about the Box Turtle’s amazing shell? Listen to Eli’s story below!
Are you ready for an out of this world fact?
Male and female Box turtles can easily be distinguished just by looking at their eyes. Male’s have red eyes, and females have yellow and brown eyes.
<- Male with RED eyes.
Female with BROWN/YELLOW eyes. ->
Critter Protectors we need you! It's time to create and it's time to move!
MOVE What does it feel like to be tucked into a shell? Can you grab some blankets, pillows, a sleeping bag, or even an old box. Try making a “shell” for yourself. Can you tuck yourself inside?
CREATE Can you draw a picture of Eli the turtle?
Let’s See your ARTWORK! #heymrjim
“8 Amazing Facts about the Eastern Box Turtle.” 8 Amazing Facts About The Eastern Box Turtle, 11 Mar. 2021,
Eastern Box Turtle,,and%20deeper%20into%20their%20hibernacula.