Asian Water Monitor

What is one of the heaviest lizards in the world, can hold its breath for up to 30 minutes, and can climb a tree?

An Asian Water Monitor! 


Critter At A Glance

What are their critter talents?  The Asian Water Monitor is a very strong lizard with a long and muscular tail.  They have powerful jaws and SUPER sharp teeth. They are great swimmers and use their tails to steer through the water.  They can even stay under water for up to 30 minutes while they hunt.  Their secret skill is that they help rice fields by hunting crabs.  

What do they need?  You can find these massive lizards in mangrove vegetation, swamps, and wetlands all throughout Asia. They are carnivores, which means they eat meat.  In addition to crab, they eat fish, birds, small rodents, and even venomous snakes!

What do we know about their young?  Females lay 10-40 eggs in rotting logs or tree stumps. They incubate for about 6 months.  Then, out come fully developed and independent baby monitors, water monitors that is! 


Learn some more by listening to Corbyn’s story below!


Are you ready for an out of this world fact?  

They tip the scales at 44 to 54 pounds. Male adults can grow over eight feet long, and females are slightly shorter at about 6 feet long. 


Join our CritterQ today and become a critter protector!


Today’s Challenge is called ”Where’s Corbyn”

If you’ve ever heard of “Where’s Waldo,” this is a very similar thing. 

  1. Print and cut out the pdf of Corbyn the Asian Water Monitor.

  2. Decide on some areas to place Corbyn for a hidden picture. 

  3. Use a camera or borrow a phone to snap a picture of Corbyn.  Can you hide him up in a tree?  In a field?  Another place that Asian Water Monitors like to go?  

  4. Share your pictures with friends to see if they spot Corbyn and don’t forget to share on Instagram or Facebook! #heymrjim

Click the picture to download your PDF.


“ADW: Varanus Salvator: INFORMATION.” Animal Diversity Web, Accessed 5 Aug. 2022.

“Asian Water Monitor Care & Facts: What You Need to Know - Everything Reptiles.” Everything Reptiles, 23 Feb. 2021,

John, Lauren. “40 Lizard Puns That Kids Will Love.” Free Ideas For Family Fun & Learning | Kidadl, Kidadl, 26 Apr. 2021,

---. “40 Lizard Puns That Kids Will Love.” Free Ideas For Family Fun & Learning | Kidadl, Kidadl, 26 Apr. 2021,

Newman, Shane. “Asian Water Monitor Facts, Habitat, Diet, Life Cycle, Baby, Pictures.” Animal Spot, 24 Aug. 2018,


Fox Snake

